Missing Plushies N-Z
2 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
16th Jun 2022 09:58 This list is updated weekly. I am willing to swap any items in my shop or trades of similar or equal value. Feel free to contact me by MT/MM.
Native Gobble Plushie
Navy: Ercuw, Eyru, Gizmo, Gobble, Hump, Huthiq, Ike, Justin, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Phanty, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Rofling, Sindi, Snookle, Sybri, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Vixen, Vlad, Willa, Yuni, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh
Nefarious: Echlin, Ideus, Paffuto, Reese
Negative: Echlin, Straya
Newth Box Plushie
Nightmare: Azul, Chibs, Feliz, Kidlet, Mordo, Sindi, Vlad, Wallop, Xoi, Zetlian
Nimbus: Limax, Walee
Nine Thousand Dukka Coin Plushie
Ninja Phanty Plushie
Old: Addow, Equilor, Ercuw, Knutt, Leido, Osafo, Tantua, Xoi
Olive: Decadal, Ercuw, Eyru, Gizmo, Gobble, Hump, Huthiq, Ike, Justin, Kronk, Kujo, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Nino, Phanty, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Rofling, Rusty, Snookle, Straya, Sybri, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Viotto, Vixen, Vlad, Willa, Yuni, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh
Orange: Basil, Candycane, Crikey, Decadal, Echlin, Ercuw, Eyru, Gobble, Ike, Justin, Kujo, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Phanty, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Rofling, Sindi, Sybri, Tasi, Vixen, Vlad, Wallop, Willa, Yuni, Zola
Orange Maple Leaf Plushie
Orange Turkey Plushie
Origami: Addow, Azul, Bolimo, Crindol, Doyle, Equilor, Feliz, Grint, Jessup, Knutt, Leido, Xoi
Orion Plushie
Otis Plushie
Painted Egg Plushie
Pampered Quell Plushie
Party Clown Plushie
Party Hat Plushie
Party Quell Plushie
Pastel Arinya Plushie
Patchwork Heart Plushie
Peak Plushie
Pebbles Plushie
Phantom: Fasoro, Feliz, Gonk, Ike, Jessup, Knutt, Sindi, Straya, Vixen, Wallop
Pinata: Murfin, Vixen
Pink: Basil, Candycane, Dakota, Decadal, Ercuw, Eyru, Gobble, Huthiq, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Pucu, Quell, Rofling, Sindi, Sybri, Tasi, Ushunda, Vlad, Wallop, Willa, Yuni, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh
Pirate: Grint, Newth, Willa, Yuni
Pixie: Lati, Murfin
Plump Bunny Plushie
Plushie Costume Plushie
Plushie: Bolimo, Ercuw, Gonk, Grint, Lati, Renat, Xoi
Pocano Plushie
Polar Bear Plushie
Preston Plushie
Princess Phanty Plushie
Prison: Arinya, Gobble, Gonk, Phanty, Pucu
Prize Wallop Plushie
Puchalla Village Goals Plushie
Punk: Kaala, Knutt, Limax, Tantua
Purple: Arinya, Candycane, Daisy, Dakota, Decadal, Echlin, Equilor, Gobble, Ike, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Pucu, Raulf, Rofling, Rusty, Tasi, Ushunda, Vixen, Vlad, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh
Purple Flower Osafo Plushie
Queen Eleka Plushie
Radioactive: Arinya, Astro, Basil, Crikey, Ike, Kronk, Phanty, Straya, Yuni, Zoink
Rainbow: Arinya, Basil, Chibs, Doyle, Equilor, Ercuw, Fasoro, Grint, Ike, Jessup, Kaala, Kidlet, Newth, Paffuto, Poera, Pucu, Reese, Renat, Speiro, Straya, Tantua, Xoi, Yakubi, Zoink, Zola
Rainbow Plushie
Rainy: Azul, Crikey, Fasoro, Feliz, Gizmo, Gobble, Poera, Snookle
Rat Plushie
Recycled Duck Plushie
Recycled Knutt Plushie
Red: Astro, Basil, Candycane, Crikey, Dakota, Decadal, Eyru, Gobble, Ike, Justin, Limax, Mordo, Phanty, Pucu, Raulf, Tasi, Ushunda, Vlad, Wallop, Yuni, Zoink, Zola
Red Turkey Plushie
Retro Beelzebub Plushie
Robot: Mordo, Quell, Speiro
Royal: Echlin, Grint, Paffuto, Reese, Renat, Tantua, Wallop
Sad Pumpkin Plushie
Sad: Ercuw, Mordo, Quell
Safari Camp Jessup Plushie
Safari Camp Poera Plushie
Safari Limax Plushie
Santa Claws Plushie
Santa Plushie
Scary Clown Plushie
School: Jessup, Kujo
Scout: Chibs, Fasoro
Seasonal: Beelzebub, Candycane, Gigantic Fairy, Lazy Fairy, Plushie Fairy, Reese, Vixen
Secret Santa Plushie
Selene Plushie
Sewer Struggle Plushie
Sewers: Crikey, Phanty, Poera
Shelbie Plushie
Shilpy Plushie
Silver: Arinya, Basil, Crikey, Rusty, Yuni
Simerian: Crindol, Gonk, Osafo, Paffuto, Speiro, Tantua, Vlad, Yakubi, Yuni, Zoink
Six Thousand Dukka Coin Plushie
Skater: Ercuw, Gonk
Sleepy: Azul, Equilor, Figaro, Gizmo, Grint, Kujo, Leido, Murfin, Osafo, Quell, Viotto, Xoi, Yuni
Slymol Plushie
Snow: Arinya, Astro, Basil, Crikey, Crindol Daisy, Dakota, Decadal, Echlin, Equilor, Ercuw, Eyru, Fasoro, Feliz, Flab, Gizmo, Gobble, Grint, Hump, Huthiq, Ike, Justin, Kidlet, Knutt, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Limax, Mordo, Murfin, Nino, Oglue, Osafo, Paffuto, Phanty, Poera, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Reese, Rofling, Sindi, Snookle, Straya, Sybri, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Viotto, Vixen, Vlad, Walee, Willa, Yakubi, Zetlian, Zola, Zoosh
Snowman Plushie
Snowman: Newth, Sybri
Space Fairy: Fasoro, Snookle
Space Quell Plushie
Sparkle: Chibs, Equilor
Splatter: Quell, Xoi, Zola
Spring: Azul, Crindol, Equilor, Fasoro, Knutt, Lati, Nino
Starry: Addow, Gobble, Snookle, Viotto, Zola
Starstruck Plushie
Steampunk: Addow, Azul, Dakota, Gobble, Gonk, Ike, Murfin, Osafo, Phanty, Poera, Renat, Sindi, Snookle, Wallop, Xoi, Zoink
Stone Age: Arinya, Dakota, Equilor, Ercuw, Feliz, Gizmo, Grint, Newth, Nino, Poera, Pucu, Zetlian, Zoosh
Strawbri Plushie
Strobe: Sybri, Yakubi, Zola
Summer: Arinya, Decadal, Eyru, Fasoro, Hump, Jessup, Nino, Pucu, Sybri, Troit, Yuni, Zoink
Sumo Sally Plushie
Sunshine Plushie
Super Hero: Azul, Chibs, Equilor, Fasoro, Flab, Jessup, Murfin, Newth, Speiro
Swamp: Ercuw, Renat
Swampie Plushie
Tadi Plushie
Talking Nimble Plushie
Teal: Arinya, Astro, Basil, Crikey, Dakota, Decadal, Echlin, Ercuw, Eyru, Gizmo, Hump, Huthiq, Ike, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Nino, Phanty, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Rofling, Rusty, Sindi, Snookle, Sybri, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Vixen, Vlad, Yuni, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh
Team Acorn Plushie
Team Maple Leaf Plushie
Three Leaf Clover Plushie
Tiger: Chibs, Gizmo, Gobble, Hump, Huthiq, Jessup, Kronk, Phanty, Straya, Zetlian, Zoink
Tisha Plushie
Toddler: Chibs, Reese, Vlad
Tombstone Plushie
Totette Plushie
Trojan Plushie
Turkey Plushie
Turkiye Plushie
Tyler Plushie
Underwater: Azul, Dakota, Feliz, Grint, Ideus, Tantua, Xoi
Undying Fairy: Equilor, Fasoro, Murfin, Nino, Phanty, Straya, Xoi, Zetlian
Undying Festival Plushie
Uploads Sindi Plushie
Valentine: Crindol, Fasoro, Flab, Newth, Snookle, Speiro, Tantua, Tasi, Xoi, Zetlian
Vampire: Quell, Renat, Sybri
Vault Plushie
Verano Plushie
Villain Doyle Plushie
Villain Vlad Plushie
Vintage: Candy Corn, Easter Bunny, Murfin, Rusty
Viper Plushie
Vortex Park Goals Plushie
Werewolf Plushie
Whale Plushie
White: Arinya, Basil, Crikey, Daisy, Decadal, Echlin, Ercuw, Eyru, Gobble, Huthiq, Ike, Justin, Limax, Mordo, Phanty, Pucu, Rofling, Rusty, Sybri, Tasi, Vixen, Vlad, Wallop, Yuni, Zola, Zoosh
White Sindi Egg Plushie
Witch: Azul, Chibs, Daisy, Feliz, Jessup, Kidlet, Murfin, Poera, Reese, Xoi, Yakubi, Zoosh
Witch Hat Plushie
Wizard: Eyru, Murfin, Newth, Osafo, Sindi, Snookle, Tantua, Yuni
Worm Plushie
Wreath Plushie
Yellow 10 Year Plushie
Yellow: Astro, Crikey, Decadal, Echlin, Eyru, Gobble, Ike, Justin, Limax, Mordo, Phanty, Pucu, Raulf, Rusty, Tasi, Ushunda, Vlad, Willa, Yuni, Zola
Yellow Candycane Plushie
Yellow Flower Osafo Plushie
Yellow Turkey Plushie
Zetzilla Plushie
Zombie Echlin Plushie
Zombie Gobble Plushie
Zombie Poera Plushie