Pets 2020 WITH RULES

4 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
15th Oct 2020 13:36NEW RULE. ANY PETS I GIVEAWAY OR GRANT STAY WITH YOU. THAT MEANS IF YOU ENTER A GIVEAWAY OR PET WISH GRANTING, ONLY DO SO IF YOU INTEND TO KEEP THE PET! I am over coming back every year and the pets I have given away have been traded, sold blah blah AND IM NOT HAVING IT ANYMORE. If I come back next year and you no longer have the pet, I will investigate why and there will be a price to pay. If you decide you no longer want a pet I have given you, send in a support ticket to have it sent back to me. This goes for all the pets I giveaway or grant.
ALL pets given away will be listed here with the new owner.
SuPaReD12 is the new owner of Beezus id=7049851
TheOneToRule is the new owner of Gargoil id=7417668
Cause has TailoftheRat id=7893009
emeraldeyedangel is stuck with the nagger that is SatansSister id=7443297
Desiringyou is being ruled by the great Bubezleeb id=7447749
Cecilia12 has BabyBeelzebub id=9064015
Kittybook has Witchity_Boo id=4685505
Eno has the sticky mess that is Fleshed id=7413296
Silvi is attempting to train Ghouligan id=8103007
r2roarthuro has Trixalot id=7000199
Burzum Got the rat HallowWeenie id=7941683
kittykat08 has Vampider!! id=5603158
stephtephrite has Grim id=5166940
Klownz is terrorizing Firstborndragon id=8022327
AnimalAnime has Mefisto id=6110168
Gothicaii is running for their lives from Vixus id=7104262
Dakotapup77 has promised to be cruel to Qualms forever id=7788765
The final pet of 2020 goes to Gallifrey. Tricksy the gothic decadal! id=7697371