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  1. Applications-Cesori
    19th Mar 2014 18:22
    10 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  2. Pet names id like to remember.
    16th Jan 2011 22:06
    14 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  3. Restocking times
    23rd Jun 2010 14:27
    14 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
10 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
19th Mar 2014 18:22

Please post your applications for Cesori here.

Hello! Im Audrina. Ive been playing marapets for quite some time now. I absolutely love this site, although it is quite addicting, haha. As you can see, I have quite a few valentine pets and would love to get more! It is one of my favorite costumes on mara. Figs are very pricy and difficult to get, especially with someone who's really bad at restocking xD (me) Anyways, Cesori would be a lovely new addition to my mara home and I would eventually cossie her valentine when I save up enough MP for it (not to mention I LOVE her name)
I may not be more deserving than other players, but I am so thankful for this opportunity to may finally achieve another dream pet of mine (I achieved my first which was a chibs a few weeks ago ) So thank you so much! Good luck in the real world, all of us on mara will miss you
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 19:49
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving mara. I would like to put my name forward to take care of Cesori in your absence.
She is gorgeous and would fit right in with my pets as I am trying to go with a winter/christmas theme. My pets are not all there yet but will be in time! Would love to have a polar pet be one of them, I have been saving up for a polar costume.
I do like to stat my pets and get them job plus I keep each one healthy.
I do not know what usually goes into a pet application (this is my first one) but if there is anything else you would like to know, please feel free to ask.

110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 19:40
Hi! I'm Raven,

Sad to see an old member leave!
I too, have been playing since the beginning of time, buut I can't fathom the thought of quitting my only escape, haha.
I've never actually applied for a pet before.
First one's a charm!

I've been in love with viotto's for the longest time and have put all my time and money into having a mass army of them.
However, that changed rather quickly once the figs were released!
So, now I'm on another life mission to convert my pets to figs!
I'm in love with your Cesori, and she's actually wearing my favorite costume for a fig. No change needed.
I think she would look perfect beside Curdled!

Thank-you for taking the time to read and good luck in the real world!
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 19:27

I am Mae and would like to apply for Cesori the Polar Figaro. I have always wanted to own a figaro, in fact many players would dream to own a figaro!!

It's like an ultimate pet to me, plus the fact that she is in polar costume and with a nice name.

Thanks for the giveaway and hope you will consider my entry.

Good luck in whatever you pursue, thanks again
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 19:00
Hey, Im Ben, aka Silver.
Cesori is an amazing pet, Its one of those pets you think, ill never get that, i do enjoy the pet aspect of the game, i train M.jay and have done from day one, ran out of crystals though ha.

Not really sure what the application should contain so i hope that is enough, lastly it's sad you are quitting.
Thanks for the opportunity.
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 18:39
Hi i'am Angie
I'am applying for cesori the polar figaro. My dream pet has always has been a figaro. If I were given this pet I would make sure it will be taken care of. Thank you for considering my application. It's so sad to se a fellow player leave, but at least you are doing something good
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 18:33
Hi im Emily and I would be honored to be Cesori's new owner! Ive been on marapets for over 7 years and I love it on here and always wanted a fig. I hope you consider me because I would be so grateful. Thanks so much!
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 18:30
Hi, i'm Kristi ^_^
I would love to be given Cesori the Polar Figaro I absolutely adore her name. I'm obsessed with pets that have cute names lol. If you were to give her to me I wouldn't trade her. I would most likely recostume her though.
Thanks for giving everyone this opportunity.
Good luck with everything ^_^
- Kristi
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 18:30
Hello, Im Steven and i would love to be the new owner of Cesori! Ive always wanted a fig.! and i would try to turn him either baby or mini. and keep Cersori forever and ever.
Thanks and i hope you consider me
110 years, 11 months & 22 days ago 19th Mar 2014 18:26
  1. Applications-Cesori
    19th Mar 2014 18:22
    10 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  2. Pet names id like to remember.
    16th Jan 2011 22:06
    14 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  3. Restocking times
    23rd Jun 2010 14:27
    14 years, 8 months & 18 days ago