SilentFate spent her savings on concoctions for a wizard yuni. It never happened. She got 2 seasonal yunis, and when I tried to help her out with my own yuni, I got a seasonal yuni. It was a curse. The other one... Someone got every single rare costume on their chibs, except for the one they wanted. They still haven't gotten it (by trading)... Granted, they wanted the most in-demand costume on the chibs (neon).
On the bright side, I have gotten the exact costume I wanted 3-5 times and I've heard many tales of this as well (just look through pet forums). They seem to be mostly worth it ^^ Also, if you could stand it, it probably wouldn't be too hard to trade for a gothic quell if you got a different rare costume. And definitely cheaper than temple to rename a couple pets if you restocked the concoctions. xD
And I slinked over all the rocks in the desert near the oases.