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STAFF: I live with my brothers SeanIsCool and Rysean. I also log in on my phone.
  1. Yadia's journey through the temple!
    24th Jul 2014 23:31
    10 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  2. Pet ID codes
    3rd Aug 2013 12:54
    11 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  3. My App
    18th Jul 2013 12:04
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
    8th Jul 2013 20:19
    11 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  5. 1/1/13 Account Status
    1st Jan 2013 11:35
    12 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
  6. Apps for Lymira.
    31st Dec 2012 11:52
    12 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
  7. Trick or Treat!
    26th Oct 2012 18:04
    12 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
  8. My app for the amazing Celanita
    30th Sep 2012 20:38
    12 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  9. My adorable mumfers!
    10th Sep 2012 09:32
    12 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  10. Apps go here. :)
    30th Aug 2012 09:07
    12 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
Apps go here. :)
12 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
30th Aug 2012 09:07

I am giving...
Aecho the Lightning Snookle
Dahris the Zombie Chibs and
Pasula the Minipet Dakota

Rules: You can only app for one pet
I don't want cookie cutter apps
No sob stories please

You can get brownie points if you....
include stories or poems
include detail and length in your apps
use a sense of humor, I love to laugh
are in my club
are a friend that I actually talk to
boost and chat on this board
get Aecho, Dahris, or Pasula siggies. XD
use the phrase "I'm lovin' it" in your app
and major brownie points if your app includes a drawing of me lolol (doesnt have to be drawn by you)

Have fun! Smile Make me want to do another one of these

Runner-ups for each pet will receive a treat. Smile
MM me if you have any questions! Smile
The giveaway will end on Saturday, September 1st. at 12:00:00

Hey lovely! Ok, I decided to app just so the possibility of a few members from the club have apped and I did put time and effort in to this when I first saw it like everyone else XD uhmm.. well you know me pretty well now, still thankful you let me back in the club *waves hands in celebratory way* WOO!
Anywho, I am applying for the astonishing Aecho (kinda sounds like a magician name when adding ???astonishing???). This is because I love Snookle pet, they are just too cute! And the costume like many have pointed out is just as great and it makes Aecho a very unique pet, especially with the name ^^
I think I would be a good owner for Aecho given that I am constantly taking care of my pets and cure them as soon as they become ill (especially my Lina who has had a couple of occasions when she gets illnesses). I also treat them when I can and I think Aecho would fit in nicely with my pets whilst standing out in the crowd like he deserves too! Love the fact that he is a veterinarian, was going to train M.Rue to be one, but if I got Aecho I could decide on a different job for Rue
As you know, I literally suck at any kinds of graphics and unfortunately, doubt I have enough savings to do the whole chibi thing could have been like a present to you! So, I have written a poem especially for you! I have decided not to mention your birthday as many have done that and I have lost count of how many times I have wished it (oops!
RosettaRules is your codename
and marapets is your current game.
You started your own club that is great,
I remember being one of the original eight?
You are such a kind and lovely girl,
just as priceless as a rare pearl!
You are always so happy
and cheerful as can be!
I know this poem isn???t great, not some of my best work,
but making an effort to win this I shall not shirk!
You are a good friend and leader too, such a hit,
now remember, I???m lovin??? it!

Pretty sure that???s the McDonald???s thing isn???t it? Still awesome though. Anyway.. Sorry if this was too long and thank you for taking a possibly super long time reading this!
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 15:42
Hi! I'm Hannah!
So I'm here apping for Pasula. I think most people would go for the higher LEs but I prefer mini pet ones I would love to one day have a mini pet army
Anyways, I'm a teenage girl & I love marapets. I make layouts & graphics, so that's basically how I get most of my money. My friends always say I'm "bubbly", whatever that means... o.O
Well, if I were to get Pasula, I don't know if I would keep her forever. But she would be super hard to pry because she is freaking adorable! If I do end up trading her, I will not let go easily.
I promise, however, that I will continue to stat her because I think she deserves that. I'm not a fan of long apps, so I'm going to keep this fairly short.
Thanks so much for reading! &thanks for giving away your pets, that's really nice. Especially on your birthday!
Lucks choosing! Byeee
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 15:01
Aecho the Lightning Snookle!
hi there! my name is Ashley but you may call me Ash for short. i'd been playing mara for uhh 4+ years and im lovin it. aha.
I really love your pets. if i could, i would app for all three but i decided to app for Aecho
I'm literally in love with your snookle.
I'm not the most deserving owner but i can't say im the worst. i love my pets and since this being an pet website, i wanna have the best pets and so much more than what i have now so your snookle would be an lovely upgrade.

You know what people always say when they app? I'll never trade your pet. To me honestly is a lie but when i see Aecho i can't help but not like him. Most people love Roflings and figs but i love lighting snookle and i cant tell you how many times i have tried to get one. this giveaway is the absolutely perfect opportunity. Hes my dream

I'd put nice stats on him and give him an permanent home and when everyone sees him on my profile i can say. LIKE A BOSS.

Thank you for reading and goodluck choosing an winner . OHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY. it comes once a year so dont blow it, have some fun today. ;c

I suck with graphics so here is a little poem of mine.

It comes every year
like Christmas or Halloween
its an special day
you grow and you live
you look back at all those old memories you made over the years
but Its an new day
of beginning and specials surprises
so lets eat some cake
and have some fun
cause today is your day.
Happy Birthday!

112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 14:19
I can see it, thanks so much!
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 14:19
I dont really know how to make it appear so im so sorry for double posting..
here it is
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 14:17
hey and happy happy birthday and life generally!!
I am applying for Dahris the Zombie Chibs!!

well, first of all I dont really have a le pet yet (thats my new account, at my old one i used to have some) so it would mean soo much to me if i win her <3 I really really love chibies. So im really lovin' it!
well, this is my drawing of you its kind of childish but i havent drawn for years. so much fun using all those pencils again It may look easy but i put effort in it
anyway heres is it!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
sorry for the spelling mistakes but english are not my native language
Happy birthday and have a nice day!
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 14:15
Hi! My name is Rebekah and I would like to app for Dahris, your zombie chibs.

Ever since I was little I have loved cats. Everywhere I lived, we were not allowed to have pets.

My mom recently remarried. She met a man named Dave on and they were married a month later. This was last October. I moved into a house and begged my stepdad to let my have a cat. A couple weeks later, we brought home a five month old kitten named Gem. She is white and dark grey. She is a very nerotic cat and loves to play with tape and chew paper. We have to put wood on the bottom of my bed because she has been chewing the grey fabric stuff under it and is ruining my bed.

A few weeks later, we went to the vet to pick up Gem from getting declawed and the vet had three kittens for sale. They were only two months younger than Gem. My stepdad fell in love with one named Sassy. She is one of the sweetest cats you could imagine. She is asleep on my bed right now. :] My stepdad begged my mom to let us get her. We took her home that same day and renamed her Jade, per my stepbrother, Caleb's request.

Recently, my mom was at a petstore and she saw a cat named Jack. He was almost identical to Gem and we thought that they were twins. We ended up taking Jack home. He is a month younger than Gem and a year older than Jade.

Now, I have three cats. It is a dream come true. They are my babies and my life pretty much revolves around them. They sleep with me at night and I play with them during the day.

My goal on marapets is to have three sindis and three chibs in honor of my three cats and how much I love them.

I want to change my chibs, Sebastiano into a different chibs because the Kamilah costume doesn't reflect their personalities at all. My cottoncandy sindi reminds me of Jade because of how sweet she is.

If I was chosen to have Dahris, I wuold change him into a different chibs because the zombie, mental, emo, and killer pets freak me out a bit. I like to have happy pets.
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 13:55
Hello, I am gonna app for Pasula.
I have been trying hard to get a minipet costume for a long time and I ran across your board and I found that you are giving away a pet that has a minipet costume, I was so excited I had to come and apply!! ^.^

Pasula would be a great factor to my marapets family! I say this because I have a variety of different species of pets, and Pasula would fit right in!

Thank you for this opportunity to apply!
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 12:48
This is my app for Aecho, and just before I forget; I'm lovin' it (;

To begin, I'm Becky and today is my six year Marapet anniversary! As you can see from one of my recent blogs, I've decided that I want to start getting 'permanent pets', and one of the pets I want to be in my final eight is a Minipet Snookle. I'm currently in the process of trying to trade my Halloween Ercuw for a Snookle, but despite it being a huge overoffer no-one seems to be interested in trading. Aecho would solve this problem, especially as I'm very picky with names, and Aecho is such a beautiful name, and beginning with an A means he would be first up in my family of permanent pets, which I would love because Minipet Snookles are SOOO CUTE :3 I'm also saving up, using missions and selling old retired items I've been hoarding, to get a Minipet Costume, and I currently have 2.6 million out of the 4.5-5 million I'll need. So in an ideal world, if I were lucky enough to win Aecho among all these lovely apps, I would turn him Minipet with the costume I'm intending to buy, and he would be my first pet forever (:
Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday! Best of luck to all the applicants, and to you for reading and deciding between all these apps!
112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 12:26
App for the drop dead gorgous Dahris!

Why Hello there *looks over your carival hat to see info* Nicole =D (I thought your name was Rosetta to be honest =P) Well My name is Sarah and I am 15 years old!! I live in SA (South Africa) and a quick fact about me is that my birthday is on Halloweeeeen, 31 October!

To officialy start my app I just wanted to formally say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I find it very kind of you to be giving away LE pets on your birthday when you???re the one who should be receiving them. Anywho here we are and here I am wanting Dahris!

No offence to Dahris but I???m not to fond of her being dead, It???s just not in at the moment So??????I shall change her costume to black because I LOVE black chibbies!!! Where will I get this costume you ask ?(even though you probaly didn???t) I already have it! It???s in my gallary, you can take a gander if you want =D I was saving it for my chibs Farris but she???s in the temple to become Angel so I didn???t want to waste it <(^o^ )/ Now is my oppurtunity to finally use it!!!

I offer a safe and loving home for Dahris and I hope that you can find it in your birthday heart to give her to me *tear*

So I was checking Dahris???s profile and I saw that she weighs 300KG and is 5 Meters LONG, what a strange kitty o_O BUT I love her anyway

Quick Question:
Is Dahris???s face McDonalds?
Because I???m Lovin it!

Now comes the hilarious part of the app: MY graphics

This is a drawing of you (that I did on paint =D) Enjooooy???

And this is my siggie for Dahris!:

Thank you so much for this oppurtunity Nicole and Enjoy the rest of your Birthday

112 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 30th Aug 2012 11:08
  1. Yadia's journey through the temple!
    24th Jul 2014 23:31
    10 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  2. Pet ID codes
    3rd Aug 2013 12:54
    11 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  3. My App
    18th Jul 2013 12:04
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
    8th Jul 2013 20:19
    11 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  5. 1/1/13 Account Status
    1st Jan 2013 11:35
    12 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
  6. Apps for Lymira.
    31st Dec 2012 11:52
    12 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
  7. Trick or Treat!
    26th Oct 2012 18:04
    12 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
  8. My app for the amazing Celanita
    30th Sep 2012 20:38
    12 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  9. My adorable mumfers!
    10th Sep 2012 09:32
    12 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  10. Apps go here. :)
    30th Aug 2012 09:07
    12 years, 6 months & 10 days ago