I've lost hope [OLD]

12 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
19th May 2012 04:14I just don't think there are people out there anymore who live up to their word. It saddens me because I really had hope, and now it's gone.
When you state in your application that you are NOT trading the pet that is being given away, then just don't do it.
I'm disappointed in people who I thought were honourable and would stick to their word, but that's just a facade to cover your trading intentions for later on.
Yeah, the pet may be yours and you can do whatever you want with it, but guilt in the back of your mind when you trade away that pet when you said you weren't gonna trade it? To fulfill your needs by lying?
I'll bring you to attention that there are real people behind the computer screen, the hosts of the giveaway are real people with real feelings, they may not feel bad about pixels, but they might feel bad about the lies.
Honesty is the best policy, but that has disappeared apparently.
I know (or hope because I'll always have hope, even if it may not be much) there are a few decent people out there who live up to the end of their bargain, but the opposite makes the majority and that's really unfortunate.