The story of Runningpaw and Robinpaw (FOW)

13 years, 2 months & 5 days ago
31st Dec 2011 12:23The story of Runningpaw and Robinpaw.
It was a beautiful place, the place my sister and I was born. Rolling green hills, a pond and river. The meadow where we grew up, was always buzzing with life. Bugs, butterflies, rabbits, mice, and so much more. Life was good. Across the river there were BareOnes. Also known as Twolegs. They lived in wooden nests under the shade of the hillside. My mother would tell us stories passed down from generation to generation, that they once lived in triangle shaped nests, made out of large animal???s skin. They never really did bother us, and their MetalNoiseMaker???s kept the wild cats and wolves away for the most part.
My sister, SmallRobin???sFlight, and I lived with our mother and father in an abandoned rabbit???s burrow in the meadow. Our mother was a soft grey tabby with amber eyes. Our mother???s name was GentleBreeze. The name suited her well. We had neighbors, other families that lived by the pond or across the meadow. But they???re a different story.
It was a pretty early ManyFlower (GreenLeaf) day. My sister and I were romping through the grass stalking butterflies and grasshoppers. I remember smelling rain behind the hills though. And the BareOnes must???ve smelled it too, because they stayed in or by their nests. Little did I know how much my life would change starting that day. My father had just left to go hunting. And my mom was laying in the warm sun, eyes squinted happily. There had been the howling of wolves earlier, but we weren???t worried. The BareOne???s took care of them.
The sun was just passed sunhigh when we heard the snarls and yowl echoing off the hills. My mother leaped up and stared in the direction it had come from, the pond. Robin streaked across the grass and huddle beside my mother. I glanced across the river and a couple of the BareOne???s looked up, but resumed their work moments later. I ran off toward my mother and sister. I will never forget GentleBreeze???s face, so filled with fear. We ran toward the pond. And when we got their, one of the other cat families was crouched by the reeds that surrounded a small sandy clearing. Grey clouds filled the sky, and thunder rumbled. The smell of blood assaulted my nose and mouth.
???Falcon???sWing!??? My mother yowled and ran toward a muddy, bloody cat???s body. My sister cried and ran next to her. I padded forward in a daze. Rain had started to fall gently. When I reached my mother and sister I found myself staring in to my father???s permanently, blood shot, ice blue eyes. His teeth bared slightly, in a pained snarl. I closed his eyelids and watched my mother???s body shake with grief beside me. When she lifted her head from his sodden fur she looked past my shoulder. I turned around and saw that the cat family had emerged from the out-skirts of the clearing. The tallest one, a young dark ginger tom, stepped forward.
???He???he?????? he shook his head and spoke clearer. ???My little sister wandered off here and when I found her there was???a wolf.??? The tom choked out the words and closed his eyes.
Another young tom, this one black with white marks, stepped beside his brother.
???I went with SettingSun and saw that the wolf was stalking our sister, who was completely oblivious to the dog. Falcon???sWing,??? he gestured to my father???s limp, and now wet, body, ???Leaped out of no where and bit the wolf???s throat.???
Beside me, my mother made a little strangled sound. Another young cat, a light brown she-cat, spoke up, ???We thought he had won. The wolf collapsed to the ground and your father brought WaterLily to us.???
She moved aside and I saw a small white kit shivering by her mother???s feet. I looked up and the tan cat was still gazing at me. SettingSun finished the story adrubtly, ???And then the wolf got to his feet and finished him.???
I felt rage burning in my throat. I clawed at the soaked sand. Then I turned to my father???s limp body. I felt waves of emotion wash over me, like the waves of the pond on the shore. I buried my face in to his wet, cold pelt. For a while all the sound there was, was the pattering of the rain and the rumbling of thunder. I must???ve fallen asleep because when I woke up the rain had stopped and the thunder was rumbling away. I saw faint dawn light peeking through the vanishing clouds. The other family was gone. My sister was still asleep, but my mother had turned away from my father???s body and was staring in the distance. Beyond the meadow.
We buried my father???s body and ate some rabbit. And it was before sunhigh when my mother got up and said, ???Come.???
The rest of the days passed in a tired blur. We walked and walked until we could walk no more. Then we hunted, slept, and walked more. Half a moon later we had reached mooreland. We crossed that and made it to a river and forest. There the cats talked about ancestors sending them powerful messages to unite, and form something called Four Clans. We came across a group of cats that lived by the river. GentleBreeze licked her kits one last time, before softly mewing goodbye.
My sister grew attached to the group of River cats, but I was uneasy by the river. It was too different from the one at home. So I wandered until I found myself with a group of cats that lived across a hard, smelly path called a Thunderpath. They called themselves ShadowClan and their leader was a large tom with two different colored eyes.
He would???ve been scary except I remember how warm his was when he stood on his rock and said, ???Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here, and welcome SpeedOfRunningRiver. I ask StarClan to look down upon this cat and accept him as an apprentice. And I ask him to train hard with Shinefur. ShadowClan, please welcome Runningpaw, the first of many ShadowClan apprentices.???