I have been a member since '06, so I am no stranger to the amount of patience and graciousness it takes to give away your hard-earned items/MP to someone you were unaware even existed until now, and I thank you for your kindness.
If I were to receive MP, I would spend it on the Temple. Aecia is on her way to becoming either Seasonal, or Angel (22/30), but I am stuggling on "making ends meet" and buying the Runes. I was recently asked to retrieve a Rune N, which are limited and only selling for 1mil MP pure. I can only buy so many AUs until my real-life bills are run up to my ceiling, and so I am stuck.
A Seasonal/Angel Chibs has been my dream pet since I acquired Xylina in '07. Unfortunately no one is interested in Ahorna, so I cannot trade for one with the pets I have; hence, I turned to making Aecia my dream pet on my own. I traded for her, paid 6mil to rename her, and am now waving my MP farewell as I buy Runes from numerous other players on Shop Search. Obtaining MP from this giveaway would at least assist me, as well as Aecia, to completing yet another level and perhaps further our quest.
Thank you for your time, patience, and generosity. I do hope I am chosen, but if not, I do know how to deal rejection. Being an avid player for so many years, if anything, teaches you to "suck it up" and move on. Haha!
Thank you, again.
~ cutiepets11 (Paige)