RCWW11: Exiled Elves: Naughty List

13 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
10th Aug 2011 03:45RANDOM CHAT WINTER WONDERLAND 2011: EXILED ELVES: Naughty List
Your persona
must be unique and appropriate. There are no repeats. You may also not use an elf character from a movie, such as Buddy from Elf or any elf from Lord of the Rings, or any celebrity elf, such as Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton, Hitler, or Jesus, sorry. Try to be creative!
In addition, you must come up with a short "biography" for your elf and post it below your application. You can talk about the inspiration behind your name, your time in the North Pole, etc. You biography only has to be a few sentences long (minimum 3, max 3 paragraphs) but you
may not kill Santa in your bio. Also keep your bio PG-14. If you bio is too "extreme," your elf could be rejected and you could be asked re-write your bio.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to mail ME (girlgonepirate) or chimocha - we're very kind to anyone needing help and want to make sure everyone understands.
The blog will be updated a few times every day.
Do not change your forum status to your elf persona until you have been accepted in to the event.
P.S.... Did you know that you get 2 points just by signing up?
"Username - Persona Name + Elf
Bio: Expelliarmus! I am the Magical Elf as a tribute to the lasting impact Harry Potter has had on my life. I traveled to the North Poe to see if the other elves wanted any magical assistance, but they started experimenting on me!! When I protested, Santa kicked me out the North Pole because I wouldn't share my magical secrets."
Naughty List
~Chief Elves~
**girlgonepirate - Magical Elf**
**chimocha - Pajama Elf**
~Host Elves~
*danistheman145 - Scrooge Elf*
*Obvi - Fashion Elf*
*Decomposition - Weather Elf*
~Elves 1-25~
mayumi13 - Nightmare Elf
silentlybroken - Cheesy Elf
Pandoruh - Moon Elf
raspberry294 - Sweet-n-Sour Elf
Adairrules1 - Surfer Elf
kittie799 - Harlequin Elf
Hesaposter - Sock Elf
tongara- Old Lady Cat Hoarder Elf
DawnLily123 - Rainbow Elf
WildAbyss - Goth Elf
Hannah3099 - Devil Elf
Gerbor - Sugarplum Elf
demongirl99 - Song Elf
Mia1120 - Lazy Elf
dolphinblue - Mystic Elf
Armedangelx - Voodoo Elf
Mmmarz - The Ugly Elf
Hallowween - Tough Elf
slothmaster1 - Tired Festive Elf
Dycedarg - Awkward Elf
MadCowRocks - Cheerleading Elf
Ashtinlynn - Emo Elf
brentcoles135 - Truistic Elf
Carnations - Popular Elf
Cheyeyeyey - Snobby Reckless Elf
~Elves 26-50~
LexLex- Spanky Elf
iJess - Naughty Elf
basics - Hipster Elf
YunisUnis - Gingerbread Elf
Horoscope - Hairy Boob Elf
AnimeDog - Witch Doctor Elf
Rickasawrr - Foxy Grandpa Elf
Sammyjustsmile - Itty Bitty Elf
p3ace- Woodstock Elf
Aristo - Charcoal Elf
Ethyne - Satirical Elf
hotchick195 - Wannabee Elf
lollydrop- Glam Rock Elf
Smoothly - Evil Elf
Mellows - The Lucky Generous Elf
shanwhan100 - Vintage Elf
Flickar - Unicorn Elf
Pultra - The Mad Elf
Go44rby - Frozen Elf
tishalook - Idiot Elf
Limekiss - Bipolar Elf
Sexyrain2 - Mental Elf
marapetsrulez999 - Ghost Elf
Ajypekanbe - Mother Nature Elf
iPhennix - Ninja Elf
~Elves 51-75~
littlechick2007 - Summer Elf
Loot - Monochrome Elf
Timofy ??? Dinosaur Elf
xkomokox - Doll Elf
Leochick123 - Derpy Elf
Fireloin - Black Rose Elf
IzzGizz - Grey Elf
nickris11 - Chocolate Elf
Offthelove - Sexy Elf
stash65 - Zombified Elf
animallover15 - Fairy Elf
Aazh - Sarcastic Elf
Samanthaj12 - Jewish Elf
Maxgal - Party Elf
AkalotiA - Fatty Elf
AlissaRush14LOVE - Spring Frost Elf
Starspingle27- Lying Elf
Funkydude225 - Fire Elf
Excell - Purple Elf
kalle9 - Brony elf
Tinycat96 - Feline Elf
googlyflies - Ghetto Elf
Icemelts - Dancing Elf
Ridin - Pixie Elf
Raisins - Nurse Elf
~Elves 76-100~
TheMovieStar - Green Elf
Jammybee - Pooping Elf
SoWhatImARocker - Blue Elf
girliegal123 - Spicy Elf
mymaragirl13- Secret Agent Elf
Oscar53357 - Ice Elf
Glitterlover101 - Puzzled Elf
Pozzie - Pessimistic Elf
Alecxias - Pink Elf
TheTod - Envious Elf
Mjlm11- Shy Elf
Tardigrade - Gamer Elf
Disregard - Seductive Elf
Ryan2k6 - Addict Elf
catlover90 - Non-elf Elf
OneRaichu - Homestuck Elf
unicorn_misschief - Smurfy Elf
booboopink01 - Scene Elf
Maradaeaster - Greyscale Elf
Avalithe - Illuminated Elf
BeautifulNOTugly - Miss Claus Elf
saall1 - Nerd Elf
Abbiedabbiedodaa - Prankster Elf
EmergedBeauty - Angelic Elf
Queenofthemonkeys - The Touch Elf
~Elves 101-125~
Luvmeluvr - The Mommy Elf
kumonai - Sad Elf
Xmasbonus - Piggy Elf
Sam - Indifferent Elf
Terry - Laughing Elf
TheQuietRiot - Innocent Elf
Baotienduong - Pregnant Elf
olliejr - Thunder Elf
TheBrokenAngel - Animal Elf
zelda6136 - Whimsical Elf
PokemonChick1 - Caretaker Elf
Alixiao - Rhyme Elf
Mikalolouil - Ducky Elf
sou01 - Soul Elf
Tetricks - Doctor Elf
AinahnahBanana - Flying Elf
sexylozygal - English Elf
22nd - Early X-mas Elf
dunker2323 - Tiny Elf
subramanian- Yogi Elf
Deerling-Forest Elf
deadgirl - Dead Elf
kumkwats - Hockey Elf
shoprgrl89 - Music Elf
2risky - Undercover Elf
~Elves 126-150~
Hater15 - Crazy Elf
Codyissimplythebest - Poinsettia Elf
hulie - Wild Elf
kandace - Chill Out Elf
hereforclubs - Cool Elf
Thril - Skully Elf
Misuse- The Heiress Elf
WillowMist - Psychic Elf
Risaki - Stalking Elf
Chai19 - Emo Vampire Elf
For more information, please visit
** = chief hosts
* = hosts