Here's the meaning behind my pets' names:
Abaangui- From a South American fable . A god who cut off his nose which became the moon.
Belgrade- The capital of Serbia.
Caliginous- Dark, misty, and gloomy.
Glistened- Once sparkled (glisten, past tense).
Ideology- The body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.
Kannari- Named after a Japanese Christian missionary.
Obfuscate- To confuse, bewilder or stupefy.
Sanguinary- Bloody; bloodthirsty.
St.Poera- Made it up. Get it? Saint Poera, the ANGEL POERA? Ya you get it.
Tuzo- The Canadian geophysicist and geologist who helped come up with the theory of Plate Techtonics (John TUZO Wilson).