Hi, my name is Katie, I'm 15 and I have been a member of marapets for 3 years now, although only 1 and a half years on this account.
I have completed many of my pet goalsduring this time and now i only have one left, that is to earn my dream pet.
You're probably wondring what my dream pet is? Well, my drea pet is to own a well named Ice fairy Dakota. I am currently working on trading my pets in order to find myself a nicely named Dakota ut then i need to save up for the ice fairy costume.
These costumes are on trades for around 1.5 million and so any donations will be a massive help towards my dream.
I have only just started saving up my mp again as I have only just completed a few of my other pet goals. The first was to tur Navvia into a zoosh, I have very recently spent around 2 million on buying her the CD's she now has so that I could be ready for starting the trunx mission. I am currently on level 12 of this mission. I am doing the mission for my litle sister who has just sarted marapets and would love to turn her first pe into a phanty, so I told her i would work to get her one as a late birthday present for her.
My other goals have been to earn a Geek Rusty, and a plant Tasi, which are both now complete.
My only other goal is to turn Rusticly into a black rusty, but for now I am saving up for my Dream pet.
I'm not quite sure what else I can say to persuade you to donate even the littlest amount to my dream pet fund and so I will stop writing as I have probably bored you already.
I would like to wish you he best of luck on choosing the 3 lucky winners, and I would like to wish the other applicants good luck.
Thanks again,
Katie xx