<iframe src= music url width=0 height=0 frameborder=0>
Marauploads Answer from X: We gave up on Marauploads because it kept breaking, but instead you can do the following steps to get images to work on Marapets:
First, you'll need to upload the image on Tinypic or Photobucket. www.tinypic.com www.photobucket.com
Click in the box, click the "Browse" button, find the file on your computer, click Upload.
Once it's uploaded, you'll need to get the URL of the image.
On Tinypic, it's listed under "Direct Link for Layouts". On Photobucket, it's called the "Direct Link".
Copy the URL by highlighting the text, right-clicking, then clicking 'Copy'.
Then, go to your edit profile/signature page on Mara.
Right click in the white box, then click "Paste". The Direct Link should show up.
Type [img] in front of the direct link and [/img]
It should look like this now: [img]http://i41.tinypic.com/dzjhid.jpg[/img] but with your own direct link in the place of my seal.
Now, you're going to include the Invisible Avatar code that allows non-Marapets images to be included in your signature/profile. Any Marapets link will work, but we usually use the Invisible Avatar because you don't have to see it. ;p