1. HOT or NOT 2. COOL or UNCOOL 3. NICE or EVIL 4. SMART or STUPID 5. CURIOUS or STALKER 6. FRIEND or ENEMY 7. LOVER or HATER 8. RICH or POOR 9. FEMALE DOG or BUTTERFLY 10. DOCTOR or COOK (That one was a little random..)
Actually, for those who didnt know, Stalker is a compliment to me (Inside joke with my friend Sarah)
114 years, 3 months & 18 days ago 23rd Nov 2010 13:05
lol amber...... its friends like u that make my airport days cheerful!
114 years, 7 months & 16 days ago 26th Jul 2010 13:15
oooh wait a female dog it he B word....BUTTERFLY GURL!! YOU ARE A BUTTERFLY!!!!!!!!!!
(i thought i was being smart saying dog cause you like dogs x])
114 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 21st Jul 2010 05:39
1-Hot 2-cool 3-EVILLLLL haha jk Nice 4-Smart (us nerds unite LOL) 5-NOT a stalker 6-my bestest buddy x] 7-Lover x] 8-Im going to guess rich but im not a stalker so idk LOL 9-i think a dog cause you like dogs...but if thats ment to be mean then butterfly 10-both
(im really random today sowwwy LOL)
114 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 21st Jul 2010 05:36
1.hot 2.cool 3.evil(jk so nice! 4.smart 5.ummm curious duhhhh 6.friend 7.lover 8.idk how to answer this 9.butterfly i guess 10.doctor because ur smart
114 years, 8 months & 10 days ago 1st Jul 2010 09:11
Whats a butterfly?
114 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 8th Jun 2010 18:52