Purely Awesomeated Kids ;D

14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
29th Mar 2010 01:37Firebugsruleurmind - haha we have HEAPS of fun, x)
MosherGirl (SAME MUSIC AND CLOTHES TASTE!! WOOP! *gives her a cookiie*)
jadoy4770539 (he has the same views on life *cuddles*)
jakedapancake (SPOT! *steals him* -enough said)
OrbitalLander (always helps me , buht i think he's quitting *dies* ly)
denisha0304 (know her in rl AWESOME LITTLE DUCKY!!

BunHead950 (FLLLOOOORRRAAAA! *poke* hehe - also know her in rl)
1RedKola (i bug him regularly hehehehe)
frecks27 (he steals my things... *eats him*)
XxRawkOutxX (same tastes hehe)
darkhazer (nice kid to talk to [: )
thekrawk (for helping me out in selling items and being nice

{to be continued? when i find other awesome kids?}
i may have forgotten people... dont get angry!!