leah is taking newly arrived ashley skating for the first time when, in the distance she sees her new governess miss slighcarp, naer the park's boundary. Leah knows this is a dangerous place to be so, she and ashley decides to skate over to warn her about the possiblity of roamin wolves. However, when they get there, miss slighcarp has turned back- now it was the girls who are in danger............
.......Poor ashley, I am afraid you are really tried! " Nonsense! " said ashley. We came together and we will go together! so they carried on skalting, when suddening they heard a far off howling of wolfs!!!
They ran as fast as they could but the wolves were far too fast for them! Immediately, leah had a idea. " take of your skates! she ordered. so ashley did.
they ran up a steep hill near the ice rink. When they got to the top, the wolfs were less the a metre away. Soon, the girls had gathered many stone , and startted to throw them down the hill.
The wolves feared and trebled and fell off, far from the girls, who has succeded! Ashley and leah hugged and went home together, still carring the stone incase of wolves.
soon they got home and had a warm cup of hot chocolate and immediately fell fast asleep!
me and you
no matter who
comes our way
or here to stay
we stick together
now and forever
where ever we go
theres a flood, so?
the end