My top friends C;

15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
20th Dec 2009 15:29In no Order:
Our band is totally awesome. Glitter, beachballs, glowsticks, and the old ladies. Livin' our dream in concert bby. You're so funny. OMG, love-making. So hawt. Magic touch forever. You GOTTA start my lessons soon. <3
HaHa. You're hilarious. You still owe me sausages! I sent you some. O: Try not to block me ever again, if this glitch we have now even lets up. <3
Aash-Aashnarox: I've only known you for a few weeks, and yet, you're like one of my besties! You're always positive, and super nice. I know I can talk to you about anything. I love you so much! You're awesome. So unique, I love it! Andrew Garcia forever!<3
Conor-Itscont: Oh, Conor. (: Fun mails! You're always hilarious, I have like 30 million of yours saved. It puts a smile on my face when you mail me, and a frown when I realized you've signed off. Saber lights! Yumm. Oh, pink pubes! Stupid Chris! SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE. Tmi. <3
KareBear-Karencee: You were the first person I met on here. You sent me a bunch of items, which led to the MP I have now. I wouldn't be so successful without you. Keep in touch. O: <3
Alex: ILY <3 You're kind of a mellow person, but I totally love cheering you up, and you make me smile! You have a great taste in music. Stay happy?? For the hairy babies?? [:
I love you guys so much. <3
Good times. =D