A Freaky Shocking Story

15 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
2nd Dec 2009 15:15An old lady was lonely so she decided to get a dog.She went to her local pet shop and ask did he have a dog for sale.He did but it was huge so she looked around and could find nothing but reptiles left so she got a snake she called it 'Big Bertha' but was small. When she got home she put 'Big bertha' in her new glass box she gave it normal snake food every day and he ate normally.But the old lady was afraid to pick p the snake with out any one else there in case it squeezed her to death so she poked and tapped at the glass cage and a few days later the snake wasn't eating the somehow the old lady did not want the poor snake in it's cage all day so she took him out and let him explore the room for an hour before she went to sleep but she still noticed that he was still not eating and he got longer and longer each day plus every morning she would find the snake straight beside her like a measuring tape he still would not eat so she brought 'Big Bertha' to the vet the vet explained that the snake wasn't eating because he was streaching himself down to the same lenght as you she also explained that she woke up next to him like a rope every moring the vet again explained he was measuring the old lady so HE COUD EAT HER!
The old lady was very shocked and left the snake at the vet and that night she died of stress and frighting nightmares thinking about the snake streaching himself to gobble her up.
Poor old lady
Now you know that a snake
should not be teased in it's cage
or he could get annoyed and do the same thing
snakes aren't supposed to be pets people! tey
are suppoed to be out in the wild free
And we all could imagine what the snake would look like
if he was eating her she was very lucky to have
used her head and brought the snake to the vet
This story is 100% true
But no name is metioned for leagal reasons
so if you think snakes are to buy to show off to your friends the snake could get annoyed and do the same so remember never get a snake if your afraid to touch it other wise you could risk being eaten alive by a snake!