Well It is exatcly 7:10 Am. Said Lilith,Classes start in 40 minutes.I can't wait to see what professer Snape is teaching today its a facinating subject.
115 years, 5 months & 21 days ago 2nd Sep 2009 15:47
ALex turned over in her bed and moaned. She opened her blood red eyes and yawned. "What time is it?" She asked grumpily, rubbing her eys. She walked over to her pet snake and let it slide around her wrist like a bracelet.
115 years, 5 months & 23 days ago 1st Sep 2009 03:03
Lilith Wakes up *yawns* then quickly jumps up trying to wake everyone up.Then runs to the dressing room changes grabs her dragon food and rushes toward the coridoor,running to feed her beloved Dragon Scorpius.
115 years, 5 months & 23 days ago 31st Aug 2009 18:19