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  1. hi im [stereotype here pls]
    22nd Oct 2009 15:36
    15 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
    12th Oct 2009 19:48
    15 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
  3. "Who are Tegan and Sara?"
    28th Sep 2009 19:37
    15 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  4. Some things about me.
    31st Aug 2009 12:41
    15 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
Some things about me.
15 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
31st Aug 2009 12:41


goes by Fy.
is female.
is les.bian.
finds it funny how "gey" and "les.bian" are censored, but "sex" and "vagina" aren't.
laughed reading the previous sentence.
usually laughs too long and feels akward afterwards.
hates her laugh.
laugh sounds like "heeheeheeheehee."
died a little inside just thinking about it.
dies on the inside a lot.
is dramatic.
has problems although she denies it and claims she's normal.
really wants to be normal.
has depression and anxiety. It's not pill controlled anymore.
hates liquid medicine other than bubblegum-flavored cough medicine.
just heard the phone ring.
thinks it's a message from Natalie. It was.
doesn't feel like replying right now, but will anyways.
thinks Natalie is amazing.
thinks deeply about unimportant things such as paperclips.
can't control it.
thinks paperclips have a bigger impact on the world than they are credited for.
is dramatic.
thinks she already mentioned that, but doesn't feel like looking again.
has a bad memory.
remembers most birthdays, though.
birthday is December 27th.
doesn't want anything.
thinks birthdays are just another year closer to death.
doesn't celebrate them.
isn't worth your pixels.
is good with computers.
thought about being some kind of computer nerd.
gave up.
thought it was too much work.
wanted to be a forensic scientist.
her father told her it'd be really hard.
gave up.
is a quitter.
needs motivation.
is independent.
doesn't need you.
takes that back.
loves you.
rethinks that.
guesses it depends on who's actually reading this crap.
knows this is a waste of time.
has a lot of free time on her hands.
is going to be homeschooled shortly.
has been out of school, even when it's been in session.
probably spelled that wrong.
is a grammar and spelling freak.
remembers that Truffle killed her perfect grammar.
died a little inside.
uses a few chatspeak words.
finds "ttly," "lol (when used in small doses,)" "pls," and "srs/srsly" to be acceptable.
likes talking in third person.
actually doesn't talk much in real life, unless it's to her sister.
loves her sister. Not like that. Sisterly bond ftw.
doesn't believe in the inner beauty crap people keep telling her about and still wears tons of eyeliner daily.
could probably make her own buisness with the amount of eyeliners she buys monthly.
rethought that.
gave up.
is still a quitter.
will probably amount to nothing.
needs to be more confident.
admits that Natalie is right, yet again.
is dehydrated and will return shortly after getting a cup of water.
lied and went to get popcorn instead.
can hear the popcorn popping.
doesn't eat popcorn.
will eat some anyways.
opened the bag from the wrong side and got burnt.
learned her lesson.
has been gaining weight.
now weighs 106.
needs to gain more.
isn't anorexic, she eats twice a day now.
is very modest.
never wears shorts.
thinks it's really cold right now and is going to put on a jacket.
found one.
doesn't even know who it belongs to.
thinks it's the little girl's down the street.
isn't going to return it.
is a good girl.
rethinks that.
is a good girl usually.
better stop with that subject.
wonders who will read this.
decides that this blog is long enough and decides to quit typing.

I made paper clip handcuffs once.

This is actually a cool list.
115 years, 5 months & 25 days ago 13th Sep 2009 16:51
115 years, 5 months & 28 days ago 10th Sep 2009 19:28
lololol Thank Youu xD
you should leave your phone on vibratee.


You're welcome Nat.
I don't like putting it on vibrate then putting my phone down my bra and letting it go off.
And besides, I have T&S as my ringtone.
115 years, 5 months & 29 days ago 9th Sep 2009 17:21
just heard the phone ring.
thinks it's a message from Natalie. It was.
doesn't feel like replying right now, but will anyways.
thinks Natalie is amazing.
lololol Thank Youu xD
you should leave your phone on vibratee.
115 years, 5 months & 29 days ago 9th Sep 2009 15:34
i know some bad things about you ring.
115 years, 5 months & 29 days ago 9th Sep 2009 08:56
your bad and you know it
115 years, 5 months & 29 days ago 9th Sep 2009 08:20
115 years & 6 months ago 7th Sep 2009 11:58
Lol that made me laugh ily
115 years, 6 months & 7 days ago 31st Aug 2009 20:03
  1. hi im [stereotype here pls]
    22nd Oct 2009 15:36
    15 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
    12th Oct 2009 19:48
    15 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
  3. "Who are Tegan and Sara?"
    28th Sep 2009 19:37
    15 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  4. Some things about me.
    31st Aug 2009 12:41
    15 years, 6 months & 7 days ago