~Poera King~
15 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
14th Jul 2009 21:48 Edit: The Poera King is a thing of the past now. I have passed on the title to anyone that thinks they deserve it.
My pets, I suppose are always for trade, even my Serenidy.
The reason Serendiy is only sketch and nothing special is becuase im debating on what I want to do with him. Sindi, Fire Fairy, or Fire Fairy Rofling.
My Poeras are only for trade for stronger poeras or possibly other les.
Why are Poeras my favorite pet?
Besides Roflings and Sindis I believe they look the best and have the most unique name. They arnt an expensive pet, or even very sought after either. Their perfect.
Why are so many Ice Costumed?
I think the Ice cossie looks cool.
Love Costumes are unbelievably expensive, which is why I dont have one. I rather have more poeras for that price.
I was going to make Serendidy into an Ice Fairy, but that cossie is mostly for females. If I could go back I would give the fire cossie to serendiy and give an Ice fairy cossie to my Fire Fairy Poera thats a female. Wasnt thinking...
Lorant - Pure awesomeness.
La_arif - Recieved for free when Poeras cost round 40k mp.
The rest? Created to be Poeras.
Any questions or comments? Maramail me.