My Favorites

15 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
2nd Jul 2009 05:28Colors: Red and Green
Scents: Vanilla
Flowers: Frangipanis
Board Games/Card Games: Trivial Persuit
Video/Computer Games: Mario Kart, Mario Bros and (on Wii) Wii Fit
Sports to Play: Netball, Soccer and Rugby
Outdoor Activities: Sports I like, Jumping on Trampolines, Climbing Trees and Suntanning
TV Shows: Survivor, Total Drama Island/Total Drama Action, The Amazing Race and So you Think You can Dance
Movies: The Boy In the Striped Pajamas
Music: Hip Hop, Rap, Pop and Rock
Magazines: National Geographic
Books: The Curios Incident of the Dog In the Night Time and The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
Cereal: Fruit and Nut Cereal Clusters
Fruit: Strawberries, Grapes and Pineapples
Snacks: Chocolate and Chips
Cookies: Chocolate Chip
Candy Bars: Snickers