What Marapet are you?

15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
29th Jun 2009 09:07What Warapet are you?
Take the quiz to find out!

1.) What do you like to collect on marapets?
A. Plushies
B. Candy
C. Pixels
D. Tons of random stuff
2.) What fourm do members mostly see you on?
A. Marapets Chat
B. General Chat
C. Programming & Graphics
D. Roleplaying
3.) What is the 1st thing you go to when you enter marapets?
A. Operation Portal
B. Fourms or Maramail
C. Advertize siggies
D. Other
4.) What is you favorite marapet game?
A. Luck Games
B. Mission Games
C. Strategy Games
D. Casino Games
5.) What do you do with your MP?
A. Save up for dream pet
B. Use by doing Mission Games
C. Buy and sell Siggies
D. Buy random Stuff
6.)What do you think is the most expensive thing on marapets?
A. Nothing!
B. Costumes
C. HQ graphics
D. Account upgrades
7.) What does your character(doll) usually were?
A. Same Clothing as my pet
B. Themed cothing
C. I change my style every once and a while.
D. I havent changed it sence I got my account
8.)Last Question, What page on marapets are you most proud of?
A. Pets
B. Shop
C. Profile
D. None really
Now count up your opinions.
If it was mostly A's.......
You are a Millionaire pet! You like to have a collections of expensive things. A Millionaire Chibs would be a good pet for you.
If It was mostly B's........
You are a Baby Marapet!
You like to try to blend into the crowd and enjoy chating on fourms. I would say a Baby Quell is the right pet for you.
Mostly C's........
You are a Sparkle pet.
You are creative and new. You are best changing your style every week or two. You would be best with a Sparkle Zoosh.
And Mostly D's........
You are a unusual Superhero pet.
Marapets isn't really your thing but it could someday. Your best with a Superhero Mordo.
Thanks for taking the quiz!

If you know anyone who has a quiz like mine plz tell me!