Go ahead and shoot me [rant] - UPDATED

15 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
22nd Jun 2009 15:22this is my rant.
people don't accept new styles either, if you try to do something new and different, they pick it out and say "you did something different, change it." people just limit themselves to ONE or TWO styles, we need more variety... seriously. i try to be unique and do something different then i get scored down because it's not what people normally see.
it's going to be about the graphics forum, it may take me days to finish it.
but just to let you know, go ahead and hate me, i could care less about what a person over the internet thinks about me. comment whatever you want, whether you agree with my, or disagree, or whether you hate or like me, see how much it affects me.
first of all, the graphics forum is oriented by popularity. it's Report me I am Spamming, because if you're unpopular and amazingly great with graphic rated low by most people, except the people who are honest. and then there are people who are popular and get all 10/10's even though their work may be good, but not that good. and then when some one gives them a lower rate such as 7/10 they start looking down on you.
i rated some one's work 70% and all they said was "you better explain why or you'll look like an idiot" just because im "unpopular" im looked down at and treated horribly. and people treat them as if they know nothing.
then there's having some one steal your work after you quit, i had an old account and my coding was stolen, when i returned and saw they were so called friends. that's just sad.
thirdly, people who claim they it's "their" idea, thing, no one else can do it. im sure you weren't the first one, just because you're more popular for doing that thing doesn't mean it is YOURS. im sure that idea has been up for years, on other pet sites, graphic sites or whatever. you down own a style, a quote, or a type of layout/drawing or whatever the heck it is! so don't act like you own the place, because you don't and neither does anyone else!
finally it's the whole "HQ" term. it's overused, since i seemed to notice this is compared to marapet standards... maybe a few people are HQ, and some aren't but then they are called HQ because of the whole popularity vote thing. and then the unpopular people are rarely HQ or VQG, but just GQ even though their work can be oustanding.
and board with "making HQ siggies!" are often not that HQ to be honest. and i am NOT aiming this at anyone.
and now here's one for people who are friends with staff, they can post rude, offensive, impolite and inappropriate messages and break the rules and not even get in trouble, or at most a day/hour forum ban? while others can be underaged for simply calling some one a "sick brat with no life" like me. because that happened to me, im not against staff, they do a good job at keeping up a site, but seriously.