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  1. SeNiOr SuMmEr 2010 :]
    25th May 2010 17:30
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  2. Dearly Beloved;; My friends.
    5th Apr 2010 18:40
    14 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  3. fact: You will love me(:
    3rd Apr 2010 14:46
    14 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  4. Brann's Playlistttt(:
    22nd Mar 2010 05:12
    14 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
  5. Life goes on(:
    22nd Nov 2009 15:54
    15 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  6. To the boy I love.. (:
    10th Jun 2009 08:36
    15 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  7. Take my handdd.
    3rd Jun 2009 13:58
    15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
  8. Memories... (:
    10th Apr 2009 11:37
    15 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
Take my handdd.
15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
3rd Jun 2009 13:58

..Take a breath;; Pull me close &&take one step;; Keep your eyes locked on mine &&let the musikk be your guide.. (:

July 18.
Staying the night with Brizz..!

July 13-July 17.
Did nothing all week besides work VBS at Destiny. Yapp..! &&The 15th;; HAPPY BiRTHDAY BROTHER..! I miss that fool.

July 12.
Left at 6 this morning, Michigan time. Got home at 5.30, Oklahoma time. Went swimming with the sisters;; Jordan, Hailey &&Jessica. Then, Mitchell came over. Now, I am going to unpack &&go to sleep;; iN MY OWN BED for the first time in four weeks.. (:

July 11.
Uhm.. Woke up. Got around. Drove to St. Joe.. Went out to eat at Clementine's. Then, we drove to a state park trail. We thought okay this will be a good walk to the beach, about 5 or ten minutes.. PSHT! WE THOUGHT! The trail alone was ten minutes.. Then, we took twenty minutes climbing sand hills &&going down them.. Until we FiNALLY got to the beach.. Just so we could turn around &&do it again. &&Let me tell you.. It was WAY harder going back. &&To add to this.. The mosquitoes were insane.. &&I HATE mosquitoes.. Welp. That's all. Then we came back here. &&I am just on the computer. We are watching UFC tonight at 10. Then leaving at 6 in the morning to come home..!

July 10.
Literally sat at home all day. Whcih, I didn't wake up until 1pm so it wasn't that long of a day. I was on the computer most of the day.. Cleaning &&packing the rest of it. My daddy got in town around 2am.. &&So.. I said heyy &&then off to bed..!

July 9.
Left at 9ish in the morning to go to Michigan's Adventure. I got car sick on the way so we stopped to buy Dramamene..! Then, I sat in the front seat &&slept till we got there. I felt much better. I ended up feeling good enough to ride all the rides &&everything. We were tehre ALL day.. &&We got home around midnight..! It was fun.. (:

July 8.
Mm.. Ryan called me at 10 in the morning &&freaking woke me up. We were talking so I got up &&got on the computer. Mm.. It's almost 2 &&I am STiLL on the computer;; But, I am home alone.. So, I have a reason. I prolly won't do anything until 4.. &&I hope I can hang out with Aunt Darcy.. But, Idkk. I have to take a shower now.. &&Then, I'll be back on!

July 7.
Mm.. Tevin called me at 2:30 in the morning.. We talked until 4.10. It was weird but amazingg all at once! But.. It blowsss.. I was doing so good without that boy.. Then, he had to go &&give me another reason not to move on. Idkk.. That's all that happened "last night" I guess you would call it. Today I hung out at the house.. Then me &&Aunt Darcy went to a TUPPERWARE party.. We played Bingo to win Tupperware! &&If we Bingo-ed we had to yell "TUPPERWARE".. (: &&The lady in charge.. We swear up &&down she was trashed! LoL. That's all. Came home &&went to sleep.

July 6.
Ahb-So-Lute-Ly no idea what I did;; Totally forgot!

July 5.
Went out to eat.. Then we went to the beach for a few hours.. I am scorched!!! Then, we went to Aunt Darcy's Mom's house to eat. &&We played cards. Then, we went to McDonald's.. Then came home &&me, Uncle Chris &&Aunt Darcy played more cards;; Nerds &&Liver Pool. Then I went to bed!

July 4.
Went to another cookout. Mm.. Saw my two year old boyfriend, Ashtyn. Set off fireworks under a powerline because it was te safest place.. ;] Watched drunken men shoot flaming balls at one another. Then, came home.. Slept!

July 3.
Mm.. I woke up, took a shower, then ate waffles. Uhm.. I have been on the computer for awhile. I am about to go get around for tonight;; I am going to a cookout around 6, I think. But anywho.. Love ya! I'll tell you how it goes.. (:

July 2.
Hello my darlings.. (: Mm.. I didn't do anything all day. I ate fish &&chips at Big Boy with Uncle Chris, Aunt Darcy &&Jennah. Then, we went to get Connor from Darcy's grandpa's old house. Then, we came home. I went in my room around 9:30. I was gonna go to bed.. But, I didn't until midnight. I talked to Sazzle for an hour &&ten minutes.. I talked to Tevinn for eight minutes, we broke our record.. (: Uhm.. I talked to my daddy. &&Then, Tev called me at three in the morning like he said he would.. (: Yepp.. But, he was gonna let me sleep so he said he would call tomorrow.. So.. That's what I am hoping for.. (:

July 1.
HAPPY BiRTHDAY MARCUSSS.. (: &&JOSH! Mm.. IDEK what I did. I stayed home most of the day until 5.30ish. Then I went with Uncle Chris, Connor &&Jennah to Mickey D's. They played in the PlAyPlAcE &&I chowed down;; 14 nuggets, 3 cookies &&hot fudge sundae.. =P We had a crappy table that rocked a LOT.. The rocking table! Mm.. Then we went to Wally World. Then, the batting cages. It was so funn! But, it was outside &&it was freezing! LoL. I did pretty good! Then, I came home &&played cards with Unlce Chris &&Aunt Darcy until 12.30am. Mm.. We were rolling about Michael Jackson &&other stupidd stuff;; We were defo tired though. &&I swear my uncle's a comedian! Anywho.. That's really all. "Oh oh oh.. Green Giant".. (:

June 30.
Mm.. Woke up at 9.30. Took a shower. Got around. Mm.. Ate waffles. Played with the cousins;;Connor &&Jennah. Ate lunch. Got on the computer. Played with the cousins s'more.. (: Went with Aunt Darcy &&her aunt Danelle to Cracker Barrel;; Mased potatoes, corn, ham &&a biscuit with honey! YUMM.. P= Then went with Aunt Darcy to TJ Maxx.. She bought me a ROXY backpack.. (: I saw a Juicy Couture purse I want.. Only $110!!! I'm so getting it! We were there for like two hours! Then we went to Target.. She bought me an Adidas sling bag that I wanted &&a shirt! Then, we went to Culver's &&got frozen custard;; What's the difference between ice cream?! Anywho.. Then, we came home. I got on the computer &&am getting ready to go night night.. (: Sweet Dreams!

June 29.
Literally sat on my askomycota ALL day! The end.. (:

June 28.
Talked to Tev last night;; I guess we are friends. Who knows?! He told me if I called him today we could talk.. So I plan on it! Mm.. Woke up this morning. Went to eat at Eric's Bridgman Cafe;; Chicken strips, curly fries &&water! Uhm.. Then we drove to Indiana to go to Michigan City Outlet Mall. Only like thirty minutes away. Mm.. I went shopping;; Bought four Hollister shirts.. $6.90 each! Got two shirts from Rue21. &&Got some lotion &&spray &&lipgloss from Bath &&Body! Then, we came home.. Ate dinner;; Mashed potatoes, corn, chicken, croissant rolls &&water! It was amazing.. (: I love eating food P= Uhm.. Now, I'm sitting here on Facebook &&Mara.. Doing nothing really. I plan on calling Tev tonight &&my daddy.. Then, going to bed EARLY because I am exhausted.. (:

June 27.
Today I woke up at 4.30 this morning with cramps.. Called my mommy. Then my uncle woke my aunt up &&she got me Tylenol PM. I fell asleep until 11.30. I had my alarm set for 10 but I was knocked out! I took a shower.. Then, went in Jennah's room to play with her.. &&Fell asleep on her floor until 2.30. Then, I ate lunch;; Corn dogs! Mm.. Then me &&Aunt Darcy watched Connor &&Jennah play in the pool while we sat &&were lazy for an hour or two. Now, I'm sitting here.. About to go eat. &&I'll prolly play a game with Aunt Darcy &&watch a movie or two! Yap. That's all. G'night Darlings!

June 26.
My famm left this morning. Then, I went back to sleep until 11. Uhm.. Woke up. Went to eat with Uncle Crhis, Aunt Darcy, Connor &&Jennah;; Ate 5 silver dollar pancakes, bacon &&chocolate milk! P= Mm.. Then, we went to Lowe's &&Dollar Tree. Then a few garage sales. Then, we came home &&pulled some weeds.. (: Big fun! Then, we ate s'ghetti for dinner. Then, we drove to the movie theater, my aunt &&I, but we got there too late because we got lost. So.. We went to Big Lots &&Dairy Queen then went back to the 9.30 show.. Watched "My Sister's Keeper";; The first move I EVER cried in! It was amazing. Got home at midnight.. Called my daddy, cleaned my room &&went to sleep!

June 25.
last night;;stayed up till 12.30 singing karaoke. it was omg the best thing. for 'whitehouse idol' brandon sang britney spears oops I did it again. then, everyone was singing &&stuff. jared was simon although brandon stood in to judge jared &&brando did a bit better. jordan was paula &&had to fake cry. sethie was randy &&said the same thing every time. mhm.. it was amazing! today;; ate cinnamon rolls. went to target. played hide n seek. played cranium. ate taco bell &&burger king. did my lil cousins hair. made smores. watched so you think you can dance. uhm.. that's really it. &&I just watched my uncle chris do some crazy dance.. (:

June 24.
today we didn't do much. we stayed up late playing pictionary &&catch phrase.. it was a great night. 'no.. matter what ill be your friend..?!' 'aladdin &&the teapot'.. some unforgettable moments. &&someone aka my mother tinkled a little in her pants bc she was laughing so hard;; gymnast! we had a cook out tonight. uhm.. it was great. my uncles are doing interviews for 'whitehouse idol' in the basement! yap! ill let ya know how that goes tomorrow.. (:

June 23.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEVINN.. (: uhm.. woke up. ate some amazing muffin made by the cosuin jared. mm.. made three boxes of mac n cheese for 9 children bc the adults left me &&jared to cope. =/ yeahh.. dumbb. they got back.. four hours later. &&we made a homemade slip n slide. we bought a tarp &&baby shampoo. then laid it out poured the shamp on it.. &&covered it in water.. then hooked up the sprinkler hose. we played on that for a good two hours. it was so funn! then we played wiffle ball baseball with everyone;; 17 relatives.. (: just the ones here. uhm.. yeahh. then we ate at culvers. I had two burgers, french fries, diet coke, &&a cookie dough shake. then we came home &&hung out. me &&jared played scattagories. now the bigger kiddos &&adults are playing pictionary so im gonna join them! oh.. &&im for sure going to florida in three ish weeks.. (:

June 22.
hmm.. we drove twenty minutes to a different beach. it was nice. uhm.. no offense but there were a ton of black people! it was cool though. one lil girl tried to steal our sand bucket. she was cute! uhm.. we came back here.. then played hide &&seek in the house with the cousins for TWO hours;; no joke! it was so funn.. because this house is enormous! yap.. then went to sleep.

June 21.
woke up. uhm.. hung out. went to the beach. ran along the beach for the stupid ice cream truck;; then dropped my ice cream in the sand running back. uncle jim washed it in the lake.. kyle ate it. gross! uhm.. came home &&hung out. played mancala a lot. went to sleep.

June 20.
((..continued)) at four in the morning.. we left to go to ludington for the gus macker tournament. its huge. 50 courts.. 915 teams of 4.. over 5000 people there. it was so funn. I might be in one this summer downtown.. (: after that, we went to a different hotel.. ended up leaving bc too many stupid drunks. drove 2 hours to stevensville. to my aunt &&uncles house. went straight to sleep!

June 19.
hmm.. today I hung out on the computer at the hotel. then I curled my hair &&got around for the wedding. took too many pictures.. lol. had to walk to the park in my heels.. ugh! then walked back to the hotel &&took more pictures. then went upstairs for awhile.. then had the wedding. at the reception we danced. I taught everyone how to 'brush their teeth &&rinse'.. (: then.. we watched drunk people dance;; it was.. strange! but hilarious. me &&uncle kevin made up the basketball dance.. its great! uhm.. I had a migraine so I took excedrin.. only thing is I took it with 'water'.. ;].. so it didn't work. lol. yap.. never again. disgusting. uhm.. danced till 11.30. then went to the hotel room.. stayed up till two.. woke up at 4.. ((to be continued..))

June 18.
Up till 4 on facebook;; It's amazing.. (: Got up at 9. Then fell asleep again till 11. Went to the mall. Spent 20 bucks at Hollister;; Getting 3 sweaters adding up to an original price of 180 buckaroos. Great deal. LoL. Actually.. My cousin bought two of them. Yeahh.. Then, we came to the hotel. Had the wedding rehearsal.. Then went to King Fish to eat. Walked to the candy store next door.. (: Uhm.. Saw a guy there. He was totally gorgeous.. ;] &&We kept making eye contact. Yeahh.. I know right. &&.. He plays baseball. Awesome. Uhm.. Then, came back here to the hotel. Got on the computer. &&Watched my second cousin, Brooke. It was fun! Now, I'm talking to my cousin &&Tevinn on here. Uhm.. Facebook meh!

June 17.
UPDATE AGAiN;; So.. The surprise bridal shower DiD happen. It went very well. It was good. Then, we drove to a coffee shop;; We took pictures, drank coffee &&talked. It was all the girls.. Except Jared. But, he is always the life of the party. He had us laughing so hard we were crying;; He is great! Anyways.. Now, I am sitting downstairs in my hotel with him because we hate it here &&just want to get out of our tiny rooms. The beds are not even a full size.. They are like bigger versions of twins;; WAY TOO SMALL FOR TWO PEOPLE. Yeahh.. So, I'm hoping my aunt calls me back. Then, I can stay with her. But, IDK!

UPDiZZATE;; I have been at my aunt's house since uhm 4..?! Yeahh.. Me &&Jared tried making a slideshow. URNT!.. TRY AGAiN. It didn't exactly work out. So.. I made a facebook. Uhm.. That's a confusing site. So.. I am supposed to be going to a surprise bridal showere tonight.. But, that's not exactly happening either. =/ Eye deck. I'll be alright. Nothing bothers me anymore.. (:

So.. I woke up at 9. Got on the computer. Then, drove from Bay City to Montrose;; About thirty minutes. Then, got on the computer again. Then my cousins got here;; Abby, Em

115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:28
Fo' sho!
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:21
im a punching bag for u 2
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:18
Hehe.. (:
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:16
did u forget or somethin dunkkk?
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:13
Alright Dunkk.
Great idea.. (:
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:12
i read it. i had already read it. imma just stop talking now
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:08
Shoot girl.. (:
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:04

i still have that fortune in my wallet too.


115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 20:02
I know right.. (:
I was thinking.. Does he even know what we are talking about?!
LoL.. (:
115 years, 8 months & 9 days ago 10th Jun 2009 19:54
  1. SeNiOr SuMmEr 2010 :]
    25th May 2010 17:30
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  2. Dearly Beloved;; My friends.
    5th Apr 2010 18:40
    14 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  3. fact: You will love me(:
    3rd Apr 2010 14:46
    14 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  4. Brann's Playlistttt(:
    22nd Mar 2010 05:12
    14 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
  5. Life goes on(:
    22nd Nov 2009 15:54
    15 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  6. To the boy I love.. (:
    10th Jun 2009 08:36
    15 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  7. Take my handdd.
    3rd Jun 2009 13:58
    15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
  8. Memories... (:
    10th Apr 2009 11:37
    15 years, 10 months & 9 days ago