My Mara-Family. No Touchie. :3

15 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
16th May 2009 14:02Sarahcheese: Father.
Abiageal: Mother.
Fysira: Daughter.
sweetyheart11: Baby Sister.
karence: Evil Step-Daughter.
Kylie: The chinchilla with no tail. (Married to Huricane.)
Huricane: Dog. (Married to Kylie.)
Truffle: Daughter.
D-bot: Bruther that feeds the hobo in the closet waffles.
dannie1128: Hobo/Nanny in the closet.
laladecocoa: Dannie's stalker, that finds her very hawt for some odd reason (nobody knows).
Surprising: Drunk Grandma.
Josalie: Dis-owned teddy bear with no eyes.
fishy4545: Retarded fish.
Did I forget anybody?
Post here, and let me know and I'll add you. <3