Ooc// FIWN Anna can be serrious and Black can be p*ssed!
Bic//Ivy was swaying side to side on the floor singing a random song when from across the casino a call came, a call from two synchronized voices. "IVEH!!!!"
Ivy looked up, "MISTA KITTEH!!!" she yelled as Obsidian Dove Into a hug and Shade pretty much chugged a bottle of schnapps.
"I MISS JOO IVEH!!"Obsidian and Ivy were sprawled out across the carpeted flooring, Obsidian clung to Ivy like a kid on his blankie.
"IVEH I LUFF JOO!WHIE DID JOO LEAVE USS!!?!" SHade yelled jumping ontop of Ivy.
"DOGGEH PILE!!" Ivy laughed...