fact:Learn about me:]

16 years & 26 days ago
14th Feb 2009 18:46fact: My name is Ashley Marie
fact: No one calls me Ashley
fact: I'm 18
fact: I am a Taurus
fact: I've been playing on mara since December 20, 2006
fact: I overwelm people
fact: I have a hamster, her name is D-WOWW
fact: I am addicted to Spider-Man
fact: I over use the word, LAME!
fact: I live by the quote, "Good girls never make history!"
fact: I drink
fact: I smoke
fact: I get high
fact: I do what I want
fact: I'm trying to clean up my act
fact: I have one older sissy, her name is Kaylee and shes 21
fact: We're also best friends
fact: I like to color
fact: I am very care free
fact: I know American Sign Language
fact: I give people the benefit of the doubt almost always
fact: Lil Wayne is amazing
fact: Eminem is also amazing
fact: The Relapse is an amazing album
fact: My favorite album EVER out of anyone is Take This To Your Grave-Fall Out Boy
fact: I'd love to talk to you any day
fact: I'm open with people
fact: I like pushing friendship boundaries with people
fact: I am almost always single, you boys can't handle me
fact: I love playing with clay
fact: I don't like boring people too much
fact: I HATE the cops
fact: I add stuff to this all the time
fact: I like playing MAD GAB
fact: Watching movies is a hobby of mine
fact: I'm not religious anymore
fact: Bob Saget and I have the same birthday
fact: I talk for my health
fact: My birthday is on May 17th
fact: I never listen to my parents
fact: I dislike rude people
fact: Everything really IS bigger in Texas
fact: Yellow and purple are beautiful colors
fact: I love hiccuping
fact: They say I have no fear
fact: I smell good
fact: I put a (: at the end of everything
fact: I am in love with TV
fact: I love all kinds of music
fact: My favorite day of the week is Saturday
fact: I love summer
fact: If I spill my guts out to you, I trust you
fact: I trust people way to easily
fact: Favorite movies are Mary Poppins and Grandma's Boy
fact: Taco Bell is delicious
fact: Avada Kadavra
fact: I own Lord Voldemorts wand
fact: I like good looking, cute boys
fact: I support geys
fact: I hate it when people say "that's so gey!"
fact: I'll always find a way to have fun
fact: Coloring calms me down when I am mad
fact: I am going to teach deaf kids
fact: My favorite football teams are the Texas Longhorns and New Orleans Saints
fact: I play girls flag football
fact: I chew on straws a lot, don't ask
fact: Someone once called me the female McLovin, pretty sure it was my World Geography teacher
fact: You would be missing out if you didn't maramail me now!
fact: I hope you have a good day!
fact: Goodbye!
fact: (: