Fill the Blank

16 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
9th Dec 2008 15:33Some people are just so ___________.
They always are ______________.
I hate the celebrity ____________ the most.
I am _________.
I am feeling __________.
Who __________?
I have so many _________.
My favorite color is _________.
My favorite movie is _______.
My favorite book is ________.
I like the celebrity _________ the most.
I like _______ a lot.
I like ________ the most.
I am obsessed with _________.
People I know in real life are mainly _______.
I like the animal ________.
I dance __________.
My favorite hobby is ________.
I have _ pet(s).
People think of me as _____.
Why are you _______?
Say _______.
Don't torture me with _______!
Life is _______.
Marapets is ________.
I'm going to eat ____.
I NEED ______.
You can't ____ me.
Hi evil ______.
Why are you _____ to me?
My favorite artist is ___________.
I have _______ friends!
My favorite food is _______.
I can't live without ______.
I am an evil ______.
______ are so annoying!
Ads are _________.
My favorite marapet is __________.
My favorite drink is ______.
Hey! I know your ______!
I hate eating ________.
My favorite show is ______.
Music is _________.
My dream is to _______.
[E]:Who let the ____ out?
I think Mara is _______.
Who cares about ______?
You can never take my _____.
School is _____.
OMG! Your ___________________!
My definition of me is _______.
I ______ think I'll be famous one day.
Is this a _______ list?