random crap

16 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
2nd Sep 2008 19:35hey i'm adam. i'm a french british american

in other words, i was born in france moved to britain and now i'm living in the usa. i'm 16 and a sophmore in a catholic boarding school, i'm not catholic btw. skater isn't a stereotype so leave me alone, i obviously like to skate, it is a serious sport for me. i'm on mara to talk to peeps and pass time when i'm bored. hmm...what else is there? ask a question and i'll answer for you, and by answering i mean ask by commenting here and i'll add my answer to this blog. i have enough mail as is.
-written by the flatmate-
you people assume that because i'm a skater i've broken lots of bones, your assumptions are correct. i've broken 13(lucky, no?) bones and had 63 stiches.