OLD BLOG: The Warrior Forest Roleplay Characters

16 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
31st Aug 2008 07:26NOTE: These are WAAAAAY out of date. Please see my Quick-List for an Up to date list of my charries. <3
Name: Midnaclaw
Fur: Pure black, Red Eyes, Scar across forehead
Clan: ShadowClan, Senior Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Warm but cruel, follows after mother, Twiliclaw.
Family: Was mate to Shadowheart, and has a kit named Scarstripe. Mother is Twiliclaw, and her father, Moonstar. Also has three kits, Shadowfire, Tigertail and Twilisky.
Other: Was paralyzed, but was cured by Starclan
Name: MoonStar
Fur: Grey fur, black fur across forehead
Clan: Starclan, Elder
Gender: Male
Personality: Is merciful and kind
Family: Was mate to Twiliclaw and father of Midnaclaw.
Other: Died with an unknown Riverclan warrior in battle; confusement led to his name
Name: Twiliclaw
Fur: Scarlet fur, black streaks across body
Clan: Shadowclan, Medicine Cat
Gender: Female
Personality: Warm and Cruel
Family: Is mother of Midnaclaw, and is currently mateless. Is Grandmother to Scarstripe, Shadowfire, Twilisky and Tigertail.
Other: Died from a fatal bite from a wolf, but Starclan saved her and Redstar.
Apprentance: Autumnpaw.
Name: Dewclaw
Fur: Bright orange fur with tan stripes. Green eyes. She has a light green spot on her left back paw as a result of poisoning; has a scar on her right front paw as a memory of a Night-Eye clan attack.
Clan: StarClan, Elder (Used to be Deputy)
Gender: Female
Personality: Peppy and bright
Family: Sunfur, Fadinglight, Windstorm, Jewelpaw, Daedrakit, Thundercoal and Breezepaw are her children. Also mated with Pineclaw.
Other: Died of old age.
Name: Coal
Fur: Brown with black stripes across backside
Clan: Dark Forest, Newborn
Gender: Female
Personality: Brave and Strong-willed.
Family: None.
Other: Was once a kittypet, joined Thunderclan, got kicked out, joined Night-Eye clan and betrayed. Eventually killed as a sacrifice to Nocturnal, the Night Wolf.
Name: Rainfur
Fur: Light grey with black stripes
Clan: ThunderClan, Deputy
Gender: Female
Personality: Brave and strong-willed, but quiet
Family: Sunfur, her mate and Icepelt, Darkheart and Firefrost, her kits
Name: Icepelt
Fur: Greyish - Blue with amber eyes
Clan: ThunderClan, Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Strong and curious
Family: Sunfur and Rainfur, her parents and Darkheart and Firefrost, her siblings.
Name: Darkheart
Fur: Pure black with green eyes
Clan: ThunderClan, Warrior
Gender: Male
Personality: Sinister and Dark
Family: Sunfur and Rainfur, his parents and Icepelt and Firefrost, his siblings
Other: Secretly aspires to become deputy, then leader
Name: Firefrost
Fur: Pale grey with tan speckles, green eyes
Clan: ThunderClan, Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet and cruel
Family: Sunfur and Rainfur, her parents. Icepelt and Darkheart, her siblings.
Other: Admires Darkheart.
Name: Daedrakit
Fur: Orange with Grey-black stripes and pale blue eyes
Clan: Night-Eye Clan, Newborn
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet but strong
Family: Dewclaw, Pineclaw, Fadinglight, Sunfur, Windstorm, Breezepaw, Jewelpaw and Thundercoal
Name: Bloodeye
Fur: Black fur and Red eyes
Clan: Dark Forest, Warrior
Gender: Male
Personality: Rebellious
Family: None.
Other: Was killed by Dewclaw
Name: Minnie
Fur: Brown with black stripes
Clan: Kittypet
Gender: Female
Personality: Adventurous
Family: None
Other: Wishes to see the outer world
Twolegs: Kate and George
Name: Dawnstar (Sunfur)
Fur: Reddish fur and green eyes.
Clan: WindClan, Leader (Ex:// Thunderclan, Deputy)
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet and shy
Family: Dewclaw and Pineclaw, Windstorm, Breezepaw, Fadinglight, Thundercoal, Daedrakit and Jewelpaw
Apprentice: None.
Name: Fadinglight
Fur: Orange with burgandy stripes
Clan: WindClan, Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Strong and wily
Family: Dewclaw, Pineclaw, Siblings: Windstorm, Breezepaw, Sunfur, Jewelpaw, Daedrakit, Thundercoal
Name: Lunapelt
Pelt: Black and White (Is a wolf)
Clan: (Ex DarkClaw) Rogue
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, loyal and calm
Family: None.
Other: Was a Darkclaw, but killed her father and was exiled. Changed her name from Lunar to Lunapelt in honor of the clans.
Name: Claws
Pelt: White and grey. (Is a wolf)
Clan: Rogue
Gender: Male
Personality: Cold
Family: None.
Other: Killed Twiliclaw.
Name: Flow
Fur(Wolf): Black with red streaks, and she has red eyes
Clan: Dead, Deceased.
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold and dark
Family: None
Other: Is the earthly form of Nocturnal, the Night wolf;
Death: Didn't go to the Place of No stars or StarClan, was erased from existance
Name: Nocturnal
Pelt: Pure black with glowing red runes, red glowing eyes
Clan: Dark Forest (Is a spirit)
Gender: Thought to be Female
Personality: Bloodthursty, evil, horrible, sinful and painful.
Family: All the cats in the Dark Forest
Death: See above
Name: Exodus
Pelt: Black with a red mark across forehead
Clan: StarClan, Rogue
Gender: Female
Personality: Sympathetic and kind
Family: Mother was Bolta, and is sibling to Utri
Other: Founded the Night-Eye Clan
Name: Nighteye
Fur: Black with Blue eyes
Clan: Shadowclan, Warrior
Personality: Kind and Sympathetic
Family: None
Other: Is Exodus in cat form
Name: Bonestar
Fur: White with brown and tan spots, Blue eyes
Clan: Leader, Windclan
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly but shy
Family: Mated with Waterstar, had two kits named Morningpaw and Dovepaw.
Name: Adderkit
Fur: Black with green eyes
Clan: Kit, Riverclan
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet
Family: Mistclaw, Greenleaf, Articia and Blue.
Name: Utri
Pelt: Thick, Black fur with red eyes
Clan: StarClan, Rogue
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold and silent,
Family: Mother was Bolta, and is sibling to Exodus
Name: Heavenheart
Fur: Bright white, amber eyes
Clan: Thunderclan, Senior Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Bright and perfect
Family: None.
Name: Shadowheart/Thunder
Fur: Orange fur, green captivating Eyes
Clan: Shadowclan, Warrior
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and Cold.
Family: Is mate to Midnaclaw, and father to Scarstripe.
Name: Morninglight
Fur: Orange-ish with beautiful black stripes, blue eyes
Clan: WindClan, Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Brave and curious
Family: Waterstar, Bonetail & Dovepaw
Name: Dovetail
Fur: White with amber eyes
Clan: Rogue
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind and sweet, but shy
Family: Waterstar, Bonetail & Morningpaw
Name: Leopardclaw
Fur: Tan with grey, black and white spots, Hazel eyes
Clan: Shadowclan, Senior Warrior
Gender: Male
Personality: Brave
Family: Is mate to Beatenpath
Apprentance: Nightpaw
Name: Scarstripe
Fur: Grey-brown fur with one blue and one green eye.
Clan: Thunderclan, Medicine cat apprentance
Gender: Male
Personality: Playful
Family: Son to Midnaclaw and Blackheart
History: Was originally a ShadowClan cat, but was never respected due to his love for odd plants. Saved a litter of kits by warning them about Deathberries. Then, got mixed up during Lostbone's attack on Thunderclan, and followed them. Followed Fernstar and Dewclaw on their way to the moonstone, and was accepted as Medicine Cat Apprentice when he saved DewClaw's life.
Name: Pineclaw
Fur: Black fur, blue eyes
Clan: Thunderclan, Senior Warrior
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and calm
Family: Mated with Dewclaw. Kits are Sunfur, Fadinglight, etc.
Apprentice: Angelpaw
Name: Tenderfoot
Fur: Black fur with tan streaks, green eyes
Clan: Loner (Ex//Riverclan, Warrior)
Gender: Female
Personality: Brave but meek
Family: Havenclaw is her elder sibling
Name: Havenclaw / Eternal
Fur: Tan fur with grey streaks
Clan: Starclan, Loner(Ex//Riverclan, Senior Warrior)
Gender: Female
Personality: Strong-willed
Family: Tenderfoot is her younger sibling
Name: Brokenclaw
Fur: Tattered fur, one red eye.
Clan: Windclan, Elder
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet
Family: None
Name: Tigerpelt
Fur: Orange fur with black fur around feet
Clan: Starclan, Apprentance
Gender: Male
Personality: Excitable and Wild
Family: None, but considers Brokenclaw as a father. Blackheart killed him during Bengal's time.
Name: Twilisky
Fur: Scarlet fur, grey streaks
Clan: Shadowclan, apprentice
Gender: Female
Personality: Grumpy and excitable, at the same time
Family: Midnaclaw and Blackheart
Other: Named after Twiliclaw
Name: Tigertail
Fur: Grey with black streaks
Clan: Shadowclan, apprentice
Gender: Male
Personality: Wild
Family: Midnaclaw and Blackheart
Other: Named after Tigerpelt
Name: Beatenpath
Fur: Silver-ish with green eyes
Gender: Female
Clan: Shadowclan, Senior Warrior
Personality: Nice and calm
Family: Mated with Leopardclaw, and treats the clan kits as her own
Name: Stonesong
Fur: Orange with black and tan spots, amber eyes
Clan: Queen, Riverclan
Gender: Female
Personality: Loving and gentle
Family: Her mate died shortly after they mated, but she is expecting kits.
Name: Bolta/Starblood
Fur(Black Panther): Black with three legs
Gender: Female
Clan: Starclan, Loner
Personality: Rough, but calm
Family: Children are Exodus and Utri
Other: Died giving birth to Exodus and Utri.
Name: Thundercoal
Fur: Bright orange
Gender: Female
Clan: Thunderclan, Warrior
Personality: Bright
Family: Dewclaw, Pineclaw, Sunfur, Dewlight, Breezepaw, Windstorm, Jewelpaw and Daedrakit
Mentor: Sunfur
Name: Tearkit
Fur: Black with blue eyes
Clan: Kit, Riverclan
Gender: Female
Personality: Serious, yet wild
Family: Stonesong and Badgerkit
Name: Hazelfoot
Fur: Light caramel brown with orange and grey spots
Clan: Starclan, Senior Warrior
Personality: Kind and caring, but loves a good fight
Gender: Male
Family: None
Other: Eternal killed Hazelfoot.
Name: Goldriver
Fur: Light golden honey yellow with grey eyes
Gender: Female
Clan: Riverclan, Warrior
Personality: Meek and quiet
Family: None
Name: Moonface
Fur: Pale white with few brown-yellow markings. Blue eyes.
Clan: Riverclan, Senior Warrior
Gender: Male
Personality: Warm
Family: None
Name: Siren
Pelt: Brown with grey and tan spots, One brown and one green eye
Clan: Nursing Wolf, DarkClaws
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet
Family: Mated with Fern (Now deceased), and so far, had 2 pups, Lunapelt and Majesty. Is expecting pups again.
Name: Majesty
Pelt: Grey, Green eyes
Clan: Warrior, DarkClaws
Gender: Female
Personality: Rather blank
Family: Fern, Siren and Lunapelt
Name: Shamanclaw
Fur: Black with brown and dark red spots, green eyes
Clan: Windclan, Senior Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy
Family: Her father is Brokenclaw, her mother is Needletail and her siblings are Tigerpelt (Deceased) and Watersong.
Name: Needletail
Fur: Tail-less, red torn fur and blue eyes
Clan: Windclan, Elder
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet
Family: Her mate is Brokenclaw and her children are Tigerpelt (Deceased) and Watersong.
Other: Her tail was removed when she got it caught on a large needle in a Twoleg place.
Name: Waterstar
Fur: White with brown eyes
Clan: Windclan, Leader
Gender: Female
Personality: Loves a good journey, but somewhat shy
Family: Her father is Brokenclaw, her mother is Needletail and her siblings are Tigerpelt (Deceased) and Shamanclaw
Relations: Loves her father and mother, but hates Shamanclaw with a passion for getting such a high rank before her. She insults her at every oppertunity, now that she is leader.
Name: Brokenheart
Fur: Black with white dots, amber eyes
Clan: Loner
Gender: Male
Personality: Unsure and rude
Family: Luna, Moonwater and Star
Name: Luna
Pelt(Wolf): Black and grey with little white and dark grey spots, red eyes
Clan: Loner
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, loving and gentle
Family: Is the mother of Star and Brokenheart, mate to Moonwater
Name: Moonwater
Fur: Grey with red-black stripes, green eyes
Clan: Loner
Gender: Male
Personality: Old and quiet
Family: Is mate to Luna, and father of Star and Brokenheart
Age: Unknown, but said to be over 70 moons
Name: Twilight
Fur(Black Leopard): Black, amber eyes
Clan: Loner
Gender: Female
Personality: Young, shy and meek
Family: Is daughter of Luna and Moonwater, and sibling to Brokenheart
Name: Hawk
Fur: Torn black fur with one amber eye
Clan: Kittypet/Rogue
Gender: Male
Personality: Horrible and Cruel
Family: None
Name: Sorrow
Fur: Brown mangled fur with green eyes
Clan: Kittypet/Rogue
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet
Family: Sibling to Bloodeye